I’m back (and just in time)


After taking too long a break, I’ve started writing again recently. The reason for the break, had partly to do with the topic of this blog post: self worth.

We all sometimes have things we are not happy with in our lives, in our character or in our history. We should remember though, that as much as it’s important to strive to grow and change for the better, it’s equally as important to realize that our self worth, or feeling of self worth should not depend on that. That, in a nutshell is what I told this young lady in my answer to her question on Quora. She focused her question on her comparison of herself to her boyfriend, but it is implied through her wording that she was under-valuing herself in general, and that she needs to understand that she is and should feel worthy just for being herself. Struggling with her weaknesses will only give her more pain and suffering. I had a similar problem a few months ago, as after an especially painful rejection I started linking the attributes I wished to have (attributes which might have made me more attractive to my subject of affection) to my feeling of self worth. After battling my feeling of depression and even a little dispair, I started working hard on improving the attributes I found lacking. Obviously as I made progress I felt better, but only briefly. Only after I remembered and regained my sense of purpose in this world, I remembered that this purpose, defines who I am. Remembering who I really am broke the link between my feeling of self worth and my conceived weaknesses. I remembered suddenly that I am worth something just for being me, for recognizing my core values and those parts of my being that I can’t change even if I wanted to.

So ask yourself this question: do I really value myself for being who I am? Or am I linking my self worth to something outside of me, something dictated by my mind rather than my soul?

See you soon, and remember you are valuable and deserve to be loved just for being who you are. Please share this if you found this helpful or can think of someone who might benefit from reading this.

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